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virtual production

The Chicken Bone FX 2021 Reel is Here!

The Chicken Bone FX 2021 Reel is Here!

We hope you enjoy our new VFX reel for 2021.  This reel gives you a taste of what kept Chicken Bone FX busy in 2020. We are incredibly proud of being Netflix's sole visual effects partner on The Queen's Gambit, which has won numerous awards already: Golden Globe -...

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Set Extensions As Part of Virtual Production

Set Extensions As Part of Virtual Production

Virtual production (VP) uses a few robust MX and gaming technologies to facilitate the creation or augmentation of fully 3D environments to allow assets like set extensions–similar to the ones pictured here– to be rendered alternatively in real-time on set giving directors, production designers, and art directors ready access to digital toolsets.

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VFX Can Do More Now Than Ever

VFX Can Do More Now Than Ever

As TV and film production resumes with new safety protocols in place, VFX capabilities such as crowd duplication to digitally create large crowds and virtual location technology to re-create set locations & backgrounds can help solve social distancing and other new production issues in the post-COVID world.

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